
Write the given annotated bibliography essay - the body of

Write the given essay.

The Annotated Bibliography Approx. 3-5 pages

Write brief descriptions of 10-12 items (books, articles, etc.) dealing with your chosen topic.

Collect research material from a variety of sources and create an MLA style annotated bibliography. This bibliography will be the basis of your Project 3.

An Annotated Bibliography serves a similar function for formal papers as a Works Cited page. It compiles all of the sources used for a given paper and lists them alphabetically by author according to MLA format. The only difference with an annotated bibliography is the additional information given in an annotation following the formal citation of the work. For the purpose of this project the annotations should be around 75-125 words per entry. Its purpose is to give your reader helpful information about the usefulness of the source material.

Sources to be used
The sources you use to compile this bibliography will be the research materials you will use to write Project 3. This bibliography must contain 10-12 scholarly sources and it is expected that you should have a combination of books and scholarly journals. No articles from encyclopedias may be used. Only three web-based sources may be used (unless they are full text journal articles or on-line books.) Do not use Facts on File, Credo Reference, CQ Researcher, or Dictionaries or Encyclopedias Of xxxxx. If you have any question about your sources, please see me.

All annotations should begin with a source citation in MLA style. The body of the annotation should summarize the position, argument, or information contained in the source and should evaluate the source's information. Is the author reliable? Is she or he notably biased? How useful is the information in the source? The annotation should demonstrate that you have read the source and spent some time thinking about it.You can include some credentials of the author/s, or the scope of the work, how you will use it in your research paper, which parts you will use. Why or why not? Be objective: whether or not you agree with the information in the source is not relevant for the bibliography.

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Term Paper: Write the given annotated bibliography essay - the body of
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