
Write the following functions in c for a linked list

Please help. Show this works in a compile window screen shot if possible. I will upvote clear detailed response. Thanks!

Write the following functions in C++ for a linked list program. Use separate .cpp main file for calling the functions to show they work.

A node.cpp and node.h for the function headers and definitions for the singly linked list functions. Use a doublenode.cpp and doublenode.h file for the function headers and Definitions pertaining to doubly linked list functions.

The functions that need to be written are, create a new node. This can only be called once, since it's the first node.

2. Insert node to head,

3. Insert node to tail,

4.remove node from head, 5. Remove node from tail,

6. Print list, and

7. Show statistics,(this should show the smallest value, largest value, total sum, and average of the list).

Finally the doubly linked list need to have a function that prints the list in reverse.

Some other error checking for functions. If the "create new node function" hasn't been called yet, the functions 2,3,4,7 and 5 should give an error.

When the "create new node function" is created, it should ask the user for a number to store in the new node.

If you try to call the "create new node function" a second time, it should give an error stating there are already nodes in the list.

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C/C++ Programming: Write the following functions in c for a linked list
Reference No:- TGS02889523

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