
Write the estimate of absolute error

X-0.8 = 0.2 sin (X)

i) By using Graphical solution

(b) By using false positioning method Use [0.5 , 1.0] as initial interval and find solution correct to 2 decimal digits rounded.

(c) By usingBisection method. Use [0.5 , 1.0] as initial interval and find solution correct to 2 decimal digits rounded.

(d) How many Bisection iterations are required to get solution correct to 3 decimal digits rounded.

(e) By using Newton-Raphson method. Begin with x=0.9 as initial guess and do 4 iterations. Write the estimate of absolute error.

(f) By using Simple fixed point iteration. Begin with x=0.9 as the initial guess and do 4 iterations. Write the estimate of absolute error.

(g) By using Secant method. Use given initial points x0 = 0.8; x1 = 0.9 and do 4 iterations. Write the estimate of relative error.

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Mathematics: Write the estimate of absolute error
Reference No:- TGS0865159

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