
Write the essay assignment - essay is baout basics of

Write the Essay Assignment.
Essay is baout basics of decision making,

Write the assignment in 2 pages in good english.

Please write a two-page essay on the topic "Basics of Decision Making".


1. Make sure that your paper has impeccable grammar. Your grammar should be free-flowing, easy to understand and devoid of obvious grammatical mistakes.

2. Organize essay into five paragraphs. Let the first paragraph introduce the topic, the next three paragraphs form the body of your essay, and, finally, use the last paragraph to conclude your essay.

3. Use at least 5 sources in your paper. Use APA citation style to reference and format your paper. If you are not familiar with APA 6th edition citation style, you can visit https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/.

Check the files in the attached Files.zip folder. They should help you format your paper. One of the papers is a sample paper formatted in APA 6th edition style. As you can see from that sample, APA requires that pages should be double-spaced, font 12, Times New Roman or Arial, 1" margins all-round the paper, amongst other guidelines.

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