Write the equivalent of a 2-3 page report giving a review of the concert you attended. Your review must include the following:
Date, Time, and Place of the performance
Name of group(s)/individual(s) performing
Type of performance (choral, band, orchestra, jazz, etc.)
Composer(s), era and/or style, date when the music was written (this applies to all types of performances), for example: "The first half of the concert was written by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685- 1750). He lived and composed in the Baroque period and style." Frequently the dates of the composer are listed on your program.
Title of pieces/songs/charts you are reviewing. DO NOT list every piece of music performed.
Concentrate on four selections to discuss instead of mentioning every piece.
Instruments / voices were used in the performance
Expectations of what you thought you would hear before you attended the performance
Interesting observations about the performance
Correct grammar and spelling are expected.
Analyze each piece played in the concert with following criteria from the course
Dynamics (Volume)
Historical Period
Finally, tell what you thought about the performance. Did you like it or not? Why or why not? Be specific.
Write in complete sentences in paragraph/essay format. This is NOT a short answer format. Please submit your report online by clicking Submit. The entire class will watch the same concert, so you will be able to talk about it in the Discussion Forum if you wish.