LAB 1: Triangular Membership Function
CP (Center Point) - Point where the membership is 1.
W (Width) - support of the membership function (distance between the points (relative to the center point) at which the membership is zero).
Write the equation for a triangular membership function that is independent of the center point and the width.
1. Write an m-file that implements a triangular membership function. The function returns a single value for the input. The center point and width are also inputs.
The function call should be in the form:
y = Triang(x, CP, width)
2. Try different input values, x, and obtain plots for the lab report.
Lab Report
Include at a minimum:
1. Description of the assignment.
2. Equation derivation for membership functions.
3. Description of each membership function (i.e. why they would be used).
4. Relevant observations and conclusions.