Please write the definition for these words and provide twoexamples for each one
The definition should relate to "linguistic form" / grammar
1. Manner adverb
2. Mass noun
3. Modal auxiliary
4. Noncountable noun
5. Noun
6. Number
7. Objective case
8. Particle
9. Person
10. Personal pronoun
11. Phrasal preposition
12. Phrasal verb
13. Plural-only form
14. Positive degree
15. Possessive case
16. Preposition
17. Pronoun
18. Proper noun
19. Qualifier
20. Reciprocal pronoun
21. Reflexive pronoun
22. Semi-auxiliary
23. Sexist language
24. Structure classes
25. Subjective case
26. Subject-verb agreement
27. Subordinating conjunction
28. Superlative degree
29. Verb.