
write the assignemnt in a really structured high

write the assignemnt in a really structured high level english because it s a graduate course and proofread

After having thouroughly interview and gather information from the non profit organization i was involved with i started identify some similar threads between  the organization purpose, audience and style of the communication and some of the interesting discussion we had in class.Lot of interesting concept disccussed in rhetoric can be identify through my non profit organization and identifying those concept required me to gather multiple documents,videos or mail through which mighty writers communicate with its target audience and potential volunteers that make this non profit organization run.


The concept of identification discussed in the previous project was seena lot in mighty writers way of communicating their messages.As  i remind ,Mr whitaker who is the founder of the company had a lot of trouble in his young years academically and writting help him find his way and therefore he chose to builda non profit organization because he felt that  he could identify with individuals having trouble in the writing domain.I feel that the identification concept presented in teh book repeat itself through the way of communication in a add posted on youtube.In this advertsiement piece we witness Chritiane a young lady that state her story about why she joined the organization in order to devellop her skill.In fact christiane astudent in high school had her teacher compliment her writting skills and therfore wanting to enhance those skills joined mighty writers.Her story told through this commercial would definetly attract individuals that have asimilar situation in high school and aspire to get better in writing.


Another important concept identify is cyberpublics.Cyberpublics are defined as the group formed or strengthened through the use of the Internet and social media.Mighty writers use heavily social media through promote their messages.Not only they have a facebook page, a twitter page a really interesting website but they also  use Email blast to attract thepublic or let the public know that they are available.After having visited the organization and later discuss with the chief of operation .I agree to also help them in some labor during the next semester having some free time.I was added to this subscription based database that constantly email me information about the organizationa nd updates which shows how incredibly they are idolizing the  cyberpublics in their quest to get traffic.


Concerning the audience,the rethorical audience is really well targeted in the different communication pieces of the organization.Rhetorical audience are defined in the book as the audience that are capable of being influenced by discoruces and of being mediators of change.In fact , i realize that  mighty writers messages through their mission statements , their commecial  all go directly to the point.They do have a few testimonies here and there but it always goes to the point that they trying to eliminate litteracy in their community.Talking with the director of program i was also told that they were targeting high school with flyers adn Email in the quest to attract public more and more every day.From the fact that they have 2000 students in an year and being new show that their strategyreally hit the audience that are in need of real litteracy help.


Symbolic actions are used a lot in mighty writers style of communicating.Symbolic action is defined in the book as "an expressive human action, the rhetorical mobilization of symbols to in the world."For instance on their website  we have quotes from Nelson mandela, Testimonies from kids, volunteers stating their scholar background that another way to tell the public that real help is being provided.The testimonies goes on and on.



In conclusion

(write conclusion based on info above)








Recmoendation reprt:

               After analyzing the non profit organization im working with,i ahve set up an appointment with the board of director to get an hang of the communcation style , organization,audience i have analyzed so far and potentially offer some advice on how to improve them.A lot of interesting discussion came out of this meeting which will be the main focus of this part of the project.


Discussing with the Program of director i really found this organizaition to be well set up and organized.The flaw were pretty much non existent, however,in the persuasion departement something could be improved and added.A cconcept discussed in the book was psersuasive continuun.The book state that an audience is not persuaded by just a few rhetoric.THeprocess of persuading an audience is vast and involve different steps. The first method in which you could convince an audience have the following steps first formulate belief , initiate action , maitain action .The second method involve the following stepsalter perception and create virtual experience.The latter is usually done to people that are agaisnt the specific message passed to the audience.And this latter convincing method was a bit ignored in my opinion.

Most of the mighty writers piece of communication(commercial, flyers) in mighty writer focus on the company  mission or testimony.Eventhough this works in some way(2000 students attracted every years) it could be enhanced  by a concept dsicussed in teh book under persuasive continuun called alter perception.Teenagers and kids such as myself sometimes felt that getting extra help in subject in school while my fellow friends were doing just fine was kind of degrading.It would make me feel less smart than other students or hit my confidence whenever i needed a lot of help in certain areas while other students didnt.I feel that altering this perception and conforting students about the fact that it s ok to get help would make them more welcoming to the organization rather than just handing out flyers and talking about what the program offer to parents , school or through email.


Data is another thing that is missing from teh documents.Data was another concept dicsused in teh book and providing data will show to the parents of the kids and teenagers that litteracy is really an issue in the community.The only real data i have seen from all teh documents are the number of student they have or tutors.I think finding data about how litterracy is poor in the community or how the education system need this extra push due to lack of money to invest in the phialdelhia  areas in the school system would alarm the parents and push them to have their kids enroll in program such as mighty writers.Porviding more data will definetly strengthen the first method of persuasive continuun (formulate beleif, initiate action , maintain action)discussed above especially in the compartiment of formulating beleive.


Mighty writers is a great organization that provide some good to the community and I would like to thank the program of director who took the recmomendation really well and was really cooperative in producing my analysis of this company.(more conclusion to add)



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