
Write the answers of the question given below related to

Write the answers of the question given below related to the topic "Job Requirements Job Analysis"

True falser/ Questions

20. Job requirements job analysis begins by identifying the specific tasks and the job context for a particular job.

21. Job analysis is a primary input and support activity for most functional staffing activities.

22. Team-based jobs lend themselves particularly well to job requirements job analysis.

23. The job requirements matrix is composed of two components: tasks and KSAOs.

24. Task statements are objectively written descriptions of the behaviors or work activities engaged in by employees in order to perform the job.

25. Task statements should reflect what the employee does, to whom or what the employee does what he or she does, what is produced, and what is used.

26. The KSAO portion of a job requirements matrix is often converted to a job description.

27. The term "task dimension" has the same basic meaning as "duties" or "areas of responsibility."

28. Sentence analysis is used to develop competencies.

29. Tasks should be constructed using broadly applicable verbs, such as "supports," "assists," and "handles."

30. It is possible to weight task dimensions using either relative time spent, percentage of time spent, or importance to overall job performance.

31. Knowledge is a body of information that can be directly applied to the performance of tasks.

32. Skills are underlying, enduring traits of a person that are useful for performing a range of tasks.

33. The work setting, attire, environmental conditions, and job hazards are associated with a job's "context."

34. Having two or more people independently develop task statements for a given job is a way to enhance content validity and assess reliability.

35. It is not really necessary, or even advisable, to have an incumbent or supervisor serve as job analysts.

36. Little research has been done to identify particular job-related skills.

37. In general, there are few, if any, sources of job information external to the organization where the job is performed.

38. Direct observation is a source for job information that is well suited for jobs with physical components, and relatively short cycle times for job tasks.

39. Using managers in a job analysis lends both expertise and neutrality to the process.

40. When a job analysis is likely to be legally, technically or politically scrutinized, it is best to use an internal person to do the analysis, rather than an external consultant.

41. In general, when rational or narrative job analysis methods are desired, it is advisable to rely on external consultants rather than internal staff.

42. A valuable use of O*NET is that it serves as a starting point in preparing knowledge statements.

43. Subject matter experts should not include previous jobholders, private consultants, and customers/clients.

44. The O*Net contains work context factors pertaining to interpersonal relationships and to structural job characteristics.

45. The term essential functions refers to the fundamental job duties of the employment position the individual with a disability holds or desires.

46. The Position Analysis Questionnaire measures extrinsic rewards such as pay, recognition, and promotional opportunities.

Multiple Choice Questions

47. The best approach to job analysis for traditional or evolving jobs is _____.
A. job requirements job analysis
B. competency based job analysis
C. team-based job analysis
D. functional job analysis

48. Which of the following is NOT shown by an ideal task statement?
A. what the employee does
B. to whom or what the employee does what he or she does
C. what is produced
D. how each behavior is rewarded

49. Which of the following is a component of a job requirements matrix?
A. Job tenure
B. Job pay
C. Job context
D. Job appraisal

50. Sentence analysis technique is an aid to __________.
A. writing the job summary
B. describing the KSAOs
C. drafting precise task statements
D. describing the job context

51. It can be accurately said of the "task dimension" component of a job description that it ___________.
A. provides a rating of task importance
B. is a grouping of similar tasks
C. indicates appropriate KSAOs
D. indicates the nature of KSAOs

52. The job context component of a job description does not __________.
A. encompass both tasks and KSAOs
B. describe physical demands
C. describe environmental characteristics
D. address pay scales

53. The KSAO portion of a job requirements matrix may be _________.
A. converted to a job specification
B. converted to a job description
C. converted to a job evaluation
D. converted into a job pay scale

54. A body of information that can be directly applied to the performance of tasks is _______.
A. knowledge
B. skills
C. abilities
D. none of the above

55. An underlying, enduring trait of the person that is useful for performing a range of tasks is _______.
A. knowledge
B. skills
C. abilities
D. none of the above

56. An observable competence for working with or applying information to perform a particular task is _______.
A. knowledge
B. skills
C. abilities
D. none of the above

57. If tasks/dimensions are not weighted formally, then ________.
A. the job description has no value
B. AA non-compliance will result
C. all tasks/dimensions are assessed as equally important by default
D. pay scales cannot be developed

58. The reason for having the manager participate as a job analyst is to ______.
A. provide acceptance of job statements to guide performance on the job
B. verify statements are inclusive and accurate
C. control incumbent responses on job analysis questionnaires
D. establish pay scales

59. A limitation of observation as a means of gathering job information would be ______________.
A. access to job context
B. short job cycle
C. access to KSAOs
D. mental processes are difficult to measure

60. Which of the following is an advantage of using job task questionnaires?
A. Use with large numbers of people
B. Highly diverse job content and formats
C. Working with top management positions
D. Working with newly created jobs

61. Which of the following is not a good reason for using an outside consultant for job analysis?
A. Technical innovativeness is critical
B. Legal scrutiny of project output/processes is high
C. Knowledge of organization culture is critical
D. Data collection involves specialized statistical methods

62. Skills contained in O*Net include _____________.
A. basic skills
B. cross-functional skills
C. sensory abilities
D. all of the above

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HR Management: Write the answers of the question given below related to
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