Write the algorithm and draw the flowchart for each problem. The report could also contain the outputs of your program in terms of graphs and displayed values.
If C and F are Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures, respectively, the formula for conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit is F = 9C/5 + 32. Prepare a MATLAB program that shows the Fahrenheit equivalent of -40 to 100 degrees C in increment of 5 degrees. Note that both Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures could be displayed in the results with some sort of comment, such as "The Celsius temperature is..." and "The Fahrenheit temperature is...".
Write a MATLAB program to show the shear force and bending moment diagrams for the beam given in the figure. The program should also show the values of the shear force and bending moment versus x with 0.1 increments on the command window. The length of the beam l = 4 m and w0 = 20 kN/m. It is known that: