You need to write the abstract for the experiment and not more then 700 words.
Experiment - Ultrasonic Testing - NDT
Aim and objectives
1.1 Aim:
The aim of this experiment is to carry out non-destructive testing particularly UT or Ultrasonic testing as one of the condition monitoring techniques.
To determine the condition of metal pipes using non-destructive ultrasonic thickness testing.
To determine any part of pipe that has been damaged or with reduced thickness due to possible corrosion.
To understand the concept and principle of Ultrasonic testing and its importance in the implementation of Condition based maintenance
Theoretical background
Ultrasonic testing UT uses a high frequency sound energy to conduct examinations and make measurements. Ultrasonic inspection can be used for flaw detection evaluation, dimensional measurements, material characterization, and more. A typical UT inspection system consists of several functional units, such as the pulser/receiver, transducer, and display devices. A pulser/receiver is an electronic device that can produce high voltage electrical pulse. Driven by the pulser, the transducer of various types and shapes generates high frequency ultrasonic energy operating based on the piezoelectricity technology with using quartz, lithium sulfate, or various ceramics. Most inspections are carried out in the frequency ranging from 1 to 25 MHz. Couplants are used to transmit the ultrasonic waves from the transducer to the test piece; typical couplants are water, oil, glycerin and grease
Connect the power cord and the transducer to the STRESSKEL Ultrasonic Thickness gage.
Turn ON the ON/OFF button in the STRESSKEL UT gage or apparatus
Configure the following;
Measurement: in millimeter mm
Language: English
Input the velocity of the sound in steel which is 5920 m/sec
Input the peak pulse. You can use two peaks.
Put a little amount of couplant at the surface of the test points of the given pipe.
Then put the transducer above the test points and measure the thickness.
Record the reading and repeat for the rest of the test points. Consolidate the data in the table provided.
Attachment:- Ultrasonic Testing - NDT.rar