
Write research report on waste and space

Short Research Report on Waste & Space. Presentation and typed short report. What can you tell the class about your research discoveries? Includes research question, working thesis, important research findings.

1. Spend some time searching for information related to your topic for Project Space. As you think about potential topics, consider topics in Garbology and other assigned articles from class.  The overarching research question for Project Space is How Does Waste Impact Space?

2. What is your particular research question, tailored to fit your topic?

3. Write a short report of about 500 words that outlines what you have discovered, summarizing the articles you have found and explaining how they will help in answering your research question. What are your important research findings?

4. Include a Works Cited that lists all of your research articles.

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Mathematics: Write research report on waste and space
Reference No:- TGS0547592

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