Write query to display students names only


Questions are regarding MongoDB

A. Check that you have students DB running.
B. Write query to display students' names only.
C. Write query to display students with score greater than 75 in exams.
D. Update the type "examm "with "sessional exam"
E. Write query to sort the students' name in ascending order.
F. Write query to display max score along with examm type and name.
G. Display all indexes currently on students DB.
H. Create an index on name.
I. Drop the index on name.

The database looks like these:

{"_id":0,"name":"aimee Zank","scores":[{"score":1.463179736705023,"type":"examm"},{"score":11.78273309957772,"type":"quiz"},{"score":35.8740349954354,"type":"homework"}]}

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Computer Engineering: Write query to display students names only
Reference No:- TGS03222828

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