
Write professional practice in construction epc mep

Problem: Write a reflective report, summarizing the experience of quality based on professional practice in construction EPC MEP contracts. You should include a reflective account comparing and contrasting the practices and experiences as a construction manager with the module guided learning and associated reading.

The report should make reference to the topics covered in the module. As a guide, it should include the following topics as a minimum:

1. An introduction to the role, area, or department being discussed.

2. Your experiences with quality implementations include:

  • Definition of quality in the context of your role, department, and/or company.
  • How quality is measured and associated costs evaluated.
  • How well embedded the culture of quality is in the organization or department.
  • Are there management systems in place to support philosophies such as Lean and Six Sigma?
  • Is there a process of continuous improvement or a reactive approach to quality?
  • Alignment with best practice.

3. A reflective discussion of how your experience of industry practice aligns with the theory/teaching.

4. Discussion of potential further improvements that could be implemented.

Your report must be no more than 2,000 words long.

This to reflect the course of engineering for quality and business improvement.

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Other Management: Write professional practice in construction epc mep
Reference No:- TGS03381510

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