
write prims algorithm nb s prims algorithm

Write Prim's Algorithm.  

Ans: Prim's algorithm to find out a minimum spanning tree from a weighted graph in step by step form is given below. 

Let G = (V, E) be graph and S = (VS, ES) be the spanning tree to be found from G.

Step 1: Choose a vertex v1 of V and initialize 

VS = {v1} and


= {}

Step 2: Choose a nearest neighbor of vi from V that is adjacent to some vj∈VS and that edge (vi, vj) does not form a cycle with members edge of ES. Set

VS = VS ∪{vi} and

ES = ES ∪{(vi, vj)}  

Step 3: Again Repeat step2 until |Es| = |V| - 1.

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Mathematics: write prims algorithm nb s prims algorithm
Reference No:- TGS0275108

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