
Write possible topics and topic sentences for each of the

Write possible topics and topic sentences for each of the sets of supp. details.

 After spraying the salmon down with a power hose, I remove the scales.
 I then place the knife at an angle behind the fin near the head and slice down, nearly removing the head.
 With my knife flat, I slice below the flesh along the backbone from head to tail.
 Next I turn the fillets skinside down and trim away ribs and membrane.
Possible topic: _______________________________________________________________________

Possible topic sentence:________________________________________________________________
 One major mistake for new college students is too much partying.
 Another problem many students have is distraction by IT devices and social media sites.
 Many students had little homework in high school, but face many hours of daily study in college.
 It is difficult to balance schoolwork with jobs.
Possible topic:_________________________________________________________________________
Possible topic sentence:________________________________________________________________
 I never realized that marriage would have so many bumps in the road.
 Being a good partner requires more than giving fifty-fifty.
 A couple must communicate on a daily basis.
 Another important ingredient is regularly showing your affection.
Possible topic:_________________________________________________________________________
Possible topic sentence:________________________________________________________________
 The foreman told us to burn the leaves, and Hank thought gasoline would help. Brilliant.
 As I raked the leaves into a big pile, Hank found a hose and sucked a jarful of gasoline from his pickup's gas tank.
 "Go ahead and light it up," he ordered me.
 When the leaves exploded, I was knocked flat on my back and all the hair on the front part of my body was burned off.
Possible topic:_________________________________________________________________________
Possible topic sentence:________________________________________________________________
*Employers of many kinds say they prefer students with fluency in a second language.
*Students who learn a second language earn higher grades in their other classes.
*Students who learn a second language are more likely to go to college and to succeed once there.
Possible Topic________________________________
Possible Thesis Statement______________________________________________________________

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Other Subject: Write possible topics and topic sentences for each of the
Reference No:- TGS01674666

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