
Write paper on google financial statements accounts

Write 2 page single spaced paper on Google (financial statements, accounts receivables, bad debts, etc.) with headers for each section (e.g. Accounts Receivable).

The paper with work cited.

Use the link below for financial info.

SEC 10-K Paper:

Access the most recent SEC 10-K filing of a publically traded company. Verify your company has inventory and accounts receivable (trade receivable is acceptable). The company must sell a tangible product (not services). Do not select hotels, financial services, or other service oriented businesses.

Post the name of your company in the SEC 10-K conference for approval. Select a company that has not been previously selected so everyone has a different company. Post comments about your company as we discuss the financial statements, inventory methods, accounts receivable, bad debts and other topics. The posting process will assist you in writing the paper.

Use your own words. Do not copy and paste material. If you copy and paste any financial statements or areas from the SEC 10-K this will not count toward the page length requirement.

works cited list should include the web address for your SEC 10-K so I can access it as you did. Any other resources should be cited in text using APA style. We use APA style for in text citations and for the works cited list.

The paper should be one to two pages in length, single spaced, with one inch margins on all sides. Use 'headers' for sections such as Inventory and Accounts Receivable. You may have other sections as well. Double space between paragraphs. The paper is your opportunity to use accounting terms and concepts from our class and relate them to a company of interest to you.

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Accounting Basics: Write paper on google financial statements accounts
Reference No:- TGS01541433

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