
Write paper of presidential vs congressional reconstruction

Write a paper of Presidential vs Congressional reconstruction

Compare and contrast Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction using the information from the chart. Answer the questions for each of the three types of plans. As you research and analyze the plan consider this: Did each of the presidents have the authority to act on their plans? Did congress approve of their plans? Why or why not? There will be two types of reconstruction economic and social. As you evaluate each of these which types of reconstruction will be the most successful, Presidential or Congressional and Economic or Social? A historical essay contains an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement, body of paragraphs and a conclusion. You must argue a specific viewpoint while discussing each of the civilizations. Your opinion will not be graded, however how you argue your point using historical facts will be.

Presidential vs. Congressional Reconstruction Comparison Chart

Aspects of Their Plan

Lincoln's 10% Plan

Johnson's Plan

Congressional Reconstruction

Should Southern States be allowed into the reenter the union?  If so should there be a time-out period?  Would they be militarily occupied?  What would the requirements be for reentry?




What would happen to ex-Confederates? Would Confederate troops be imprisoned or charged with treason? Would they be allowed to vote?  Would their lands and property be confiscated or returned?




What would happen to African-Americans?  Would they be free?   Would they become citizens?  Would they be given land?  Allowed to vote? Was it the responsibility of Government to promote social reform? 




What changes would occur in the south?  Was it the government's responsibility to promote and sponsor economic reform?




What legislation if any was passed to bring about reconstruction or change? 





The following resources are available for you to use. You will also need to use additional resources from your own research.



Acceptable Length: 2-3 pages

Formatting Requirements:

• Put your name, course and section number, and assignment title at the top of the document.
• Use one-inch margins.
• Use a 12-point Times New Roman font.
• Use double line spacing in the document.

To Get a Top Score, Your Paper Should:

• Cover the required elements mentioned above
• Show evidence of careful consideration and planning
• Properly use and cite source material using MLA style of documentation
• Be grammatically correct.

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History: Write paper of presidential vs congressional reconstruction
Reference No:- TGS01597130

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