Write paper about Aircraft maintenance Hangar
Outline for Paper-
1. Introduction
a. Background
i. What is the problem or issue of concern or interest?
ii. Cite at least two (2) other projects/research papers related to your topic
2. Methods
a. What did you observe?
i. Remember, you need to describe this action/activity so that most individuals will be able to understand the behavior or activity with no additional information (operational definition)
ii. How and where did you collect the data?
1. What did you use to collect the data?
a. Pencil and paper?
b. Camera?
iii. Dates and times
iv. Provide a summary table of your data (Excel)
3. Analysis
a. These will likely be descriptive stats
i. Percent positive
ii. Any demographics that might be a factor (age, gender, etc.)
iii. Mean, median, mode (?)
iv. Variance and SD (?)
4. Conclusions and recommendations.