
Write out the narrative for the movie

How do we remember a story? We can’t possible remember every detail. Instead, our brains filter our non-essential shots and select key moments in the narrative that we can replay. For this extra credit assignment, we will try and make this an explicit act. Please select a Feature-length movie. This assignment has two parts:

1. Write out the narrative for the movie, as if you are explaining it to someone. You are allowed exactly 9 sentences. No less. No more. The goal in this part is to retell the narrative as a written story. For this part, no images are allowed

2. Using your screencapture of choice, grab 12 frames from the movie. Your goal is to retell the story using only images. No words are allowed. You must use 12 frames. No less; no more.

Using an 11 x 17 sheet (landscape), arrange the written verse on the left column of the page and the images on the right.

Submission Requirements:

1. A single pdf that. Please save this file to the class share folder using the following system:

390a1-LastName_First Initial.pdf
Example: 390_EC1_Serban_D.pdf

Late Policy:

Anything less than the completed assignment in the digital dropbox before the beginning of class

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Other Subject: Write out the narrative for the movie
Reference No:- TGS01428758

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