Write one page proposal for project- the purpose of

Write one page proposal for given final project.

The PURPOSE of this assignment is to:
• Formulate and support an effective argument with respect to the course theme
• Explore multiple modes of communication and representation

Essay options:
NOTE: These are not rigid templates, but starting points - expect to narrow these topics to determine your own specific focus.

1. Develop and support an argument about a particular medium (e.g. radio, television, internet, Facebook, PowerPoint, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, tablets, blogs, smartphones, etc.). Think about the constraints and affordances of the medium - how does it enable or inhibit communication? How does the medium affect people and the way they communicate/make meaning?

2. Of the three modes of communication we discussed most (visual, verbal/ linguistic, auditory), which is most critical to human interaction? Make an argument (not unlike my audio essay) in favor of one of these.

3. What should we consider "writing" in our increasingly multimodal world? What does it mean to "write," and how has our notion of writing evolved? Consider various media like social networks, websites, e-mail, texting, etc. - are these writing? In light of these ever-changing contexts, what does it mean to be a "writer"?

4. How does the rapid movement away from print media (most notably textbooks, handouts, etc.) affect education and the learning process? Consider not just your own schooling, but broader cultural and socioeconomic trends. You may want to consider (among other things) e-textbooks, D2L, online and hybrid courses, MOOCs, etc.

5. George Martin once lamented, "Songs aren't as interesting these days, because people listen with their eyes rather than their ears." Write an argumentative essay that responds to his claim. Do you agree? How/why and to what extent?

6. Develop and support an argument about any topic that is related to the course theme. A vast array of topics can be tied to our theme (medium/method/ message). If you have an idea and aren't sure if it "fits," talk to me - we can usually find a connection.

Your paper must:
• Incorporate at least 6 sources, 3 of which must be academic/scholarly
• Consistently follow MLA documentation style ?
All projects (even multimodal) must include a Works Cited page with the final draft.

No matter which option you choose, you should:
? Think in terms of medium, method, and message with respect to composition and communication.
? Strive to make a specific and well-developed argument. Your thesis must say more than just "technology is good/bad" - use your sources to establish context and depth.

Choose your MEDIUM:
? Make your argument using conventional TEXT (8-10 pages)
? Make your argument in the form of an AUDIO ESSAY (5-10 minutes)

o This generally includes (but is not limited to) just your sound, music, and narration

• Make your argument by producing a VIDEO/PICTORAL ESSAY/SHORT FILM(5-10minutes)
• Make a DIGITAL argument by creating a website, blog, animated short, etc.

NOTE: The length of multimodal projects is somewhat flexible. Want to try something I haven't mentioned here? Just ask!

• For information on sources and MLA style
• Contact a library to arrange a one-on-one "research consultation" FAQ:

Q: Don't I have to write an essay to make an argument?
A: Everything can make an argument, including sound and visuals. The selection of a particular picture, piece of music, or video clip is a subjective decision that reflects what you think and believe.

Q: How do I make an argument using a different medium?
A: You have many options. My only requirement is that you incorporate at least some written text/narration. You might narrate your essay and use music, sounds, video, and/or pictures to emphasize your points. You could also focus the camera right on yourself and "report" your essay, cutting to different clips for supporting ideas. With video or web/digital texts, you can make a multimodal argument without acting as narrator, simply using on-screen text, video, and pictures to make your point.

Q: Can I make a PowerPoint presentation?
A: No, not for the final project itself. If you are interested in working with such programs (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.), consider making slides to accompany your final presentation.

Q: How do I cite if I'm not doing a paper?
A: Must submit a Works Cited page with his/her final draft. If you choose an alternate medium, you must still indicate all quotations and paraphrases. For in-text citations, you can either vocalize them in your narration or include captions/text in the video or website.

Q: I want to make an audio/video essay, but don't know how to use the software. What can I do?
A: Often, people can teach themselves by simply playing around with the software. You are encouraged to utilize online tutorials and guides. If you DONT KNOW how to use Garage Band, IMovie, Audacity, Movie Maker, THEN you're completely uncomfortable with these technologies, you are free to write a traditional essay.

Q: What is the easiest option?
A: None of the above. The conventional words-on-paper essay is the most limited, in that you can't use sound or visuals, but each is challenging in its own way. Think about the medium and what it allows you to do.

Final Project Sequence:

1)PROJECT PROPOSAL (approx. 1 page)
Provide a brief preview of your project, including:
o Your topic/focus
o A working thesis statement OR research question
o A brief synopsis of your expected direction - How will you make your argument?

What evidence do you have?

o Your choice of medium - How do you plan to explore your topic? What are the  constraints and affordances of your medium? How will the medium affect your message?

o Obstacles - What do you expect will be the most difficult aspect(s) of the project?

Do you anticipate problems or difficulties with certain parts of this assignment?

2)Annotated Bibliography (separate assignment sheet TBA)

3) (talk to professor in advance about submitting multimodal projects-make sure professor receive yours!)

Don'tmakeunsubstantiatedclaims. You are trying to convince professor (youraudience)thatyour argument is well-founded and sensible. your professor may not agree with everything you write. You may assume an unpopular viewpoint; just keep in mind that some positions are more difficult to advocate than others. Ultimately, you are not graded on your opinions; you are graded on the quality of your argument.


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Dissertation: Write one page proposal for project- the purpose of
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