
Write one page papers analyzing some news articlestory

Write one page papers analyzing some news article/story using the principles of economics. Below briefly tells you where to find articles/stories, what to write, and how to submit.

Step 1 -

Find a news article or story what was published since the start of the term (May 2017 - present). It can really be about anything since economics can offer insight into any event, but it's a little easier if you start with a story that relates to business, money, finances, or the economy in general. Here are some places to try.

American Public Media's Marketplace

Nightly business report:

Michigan Radio:

CNN money:

Detroit Free Press:

But really, any news site is fine. And the story doesn't have to be a written article. It can also be a video or audio clip.

Step 2 -

After reading/viewing the story try to identify the economic concept(s) that best relate to the story. It should be something that helps either give a deeper explanation as to what's going on, or even offers a contrasting explanation to what the author is saying.

Step 3 -

Email me a link to the article and a sentence or two about what you will cover in your paper and the economic concepts you are going to use. I will let you know if it fits with the course objectives and if you are on the right track. This is recommended because you could be writing something that doesn't fit with the course, which will get you no credit (a score of zero). So this step can help you avoid wasting your time.  Please note that if you wait until the last week to complete extra credit papers this option won't be available.

Step 4 -

Write your one page paper using economic concepts to offer additional insights to the article. Warning: Don't just recap what the story said, this is not a book report. You are to analyze the story and offer additional points using your newly gain knowledge of economics. A good way to do this is either elaborate on what the author is saying or try to challenge it. But use economics! Start by thinking of the story in the economic framework; scarcity, tradeoffs, incentives, equilibrium... And try to identify relevant concepts from the book. Remember the ultimate purpose of these papers is to demonstrate your knowledge of economics/macroeconomics so I can award you extra points.

Do remember the paper is only a page. I don't need a full research paper. So just pick one or two economics concepts to use in each paper.

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Dissertation: Write one page papers analyzing some news articlestory
Reference No:- TGS02321492

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