
Write one page on product alert assignment product alerts

Question: Write one page on Product Alert assignment


From these subject you have to write you Product Alert.

Tentative Product Policy

1) Ch 1 Intro to Product Management

2) Ch 2 Marketing Planning

3) Ch 3 Defining the Competitive Set

4) Ch 4 Category Attractiveness

5) Ch 5 Competitor Analysis 12) Ch 12 Promotion

6) Ch 6 Customer Analysis

7) Ch 7 Market Potential/Forecasting 13) Ch 13 Channel Management

8) Ch 8 Developing Product Strategy 14) Ch 14 Service and Direct Marketing

9) Ch 9 New Products 15) Ch 15 Financial Analysis

10) Ch 10 Pricing Decisions

11) Ch 11 Advertising Decisions

Guidelines for Product Alerts: Product alerts are written to keep upper management informed about developments in the market that may have an impact on your firm's performance. For purposes of this assignment you are required to focus on one narrowly defined product/industry category that exists in publicly traded company, trading on one of the US stock exchanges. All 15 of your product alerts must deal with the same industry/product category. During the course of the term you will write 15 product alerts that deal with a product related development that you feel upper management should be aware of.

These product alerts will be written in the form of a memo to the instructor. You should include a number of different topics in your collection of product alerts such as: new product introductions, products being discontinued, line extensions, major strategy changes, mergers, acquisitions and companies who are exiting the market -- NO MORE THAN 5 OF YOUR 15 PRODUCT ALERTS CAN BE ABOUT NEW PRODUCTS OR LINE EXTENSIONS OF EXISTING PRODUCTS. The sources you use should be CURRENT (published within the last 6 months). Your sources should be credible, we are interested in facts NOT rumors! Each update will be graded separately as each is submitted.

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Marketing Management: Write one page on product alert assignment product alerts
Reference No:- TGS02733601

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