
Write one hr article analysis report the report should be

Assignemnt: History of Management, Human Resources & Employment Relations

Requirements for HumanRelations Article Assignment

Each student is required to write one HR Article Analysis report. The report should be submitted to the designated location in the ASSIGNMENTS content area on Blackboardonor.

Sources for articles

For this assignment, you will review one of the Source Readings for Module 2.

Preparing the Written Report

Your written report will be comprised of two sections. The first section should be labeled "Synopsis" and the other should be labeled "Critical Analysis". In the synopsis section, summarize the content of the article by identifying the major issue(s) presented in the article and the conclusion(s) presented by the author(s). The synopsis should be no more than 1 ½ - 2 pages. The rubric that will be used to grade your report is attached for your review. Read the grading rubric before you begin writing your report to ensure that you cover all of the essential components of the assignment.

In the Critical Analysis section, focus your writing on making a connection between the information presented in the article and information presented in the course textbook, personal work (life) experiences and current events. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the argument(s) presented by the author(s) of the article and state your opinion about the soundness (logic) of the assertions and conclusions presented by the author(s). Also, discuss whether the information in the article complements, supplements, reinforces or contradicts information in the textbook. To the extent possible, try to relate the information in the article to your own personal work experience or the work experience of someone you know (i.e., a parent or friend) or current events. Use specific examples to illustrate your point(s). Finally, discuss how employees, HR professionals, managers or workers in general, could use the information presented in the article to benefit themselves and/or the organization for which they work. The rubric that will be used to grade your report is attached for your review. Read the grading rubric before you begin writing your report to ensure that you cover all the essential components of the assignment.

The paper should be approximately 3-4 pages, typed (word processed) using double spacing with 1 inch margins. Please use either Times New Roman 12-pointfont or Arial11-point font. Also, include page numbers in the document. Cleary label both sections of the Article Assignment reportas "Synopsis" and "Critical Analysis". Correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling are expected.

I. Cover Page

Include title of the article you were assignedalong with your full name.

II. Synopsis

Provide a brief summary of the major points of the article. Note the major content of the articles (e.g., issues) and the suggestions, conclusions, or recommendations presented by the author(s). Please limit the synopsis to approximately 1 ½ - 2 pages.

III. Critical Analysis

Apply your critical thinking skills to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the article. Also, integrate information from the article with information presented in the class textbook as well as in class lectures and presentations. More specifically, discuss how information in the article complements, supplements, reinforces or contradicts material in the course textbook, class lectures, and/or class discussions. Use specific examples to illustrate your point(s). A strong analysis will discuss any personal experience you may have with the issue or topic discussed in the article or relate (establish connections) to current human relations issues.

Article: 50th Anniversary HR Magazine: 10 Changes That Rocked HR by Leon Rubis, Patrick Mirza, Adrienne Fox, Terence F. Shea and Desda Moss.

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HR Management: Write one hr article analysis report the report should be
Reference No:- TGS02511631

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