
Write one code to convert an inputted temp to fahrenheit


Write one code to convert an inputted temp to either Fahrenheit or Celsius: -Make sure you use Hungarian Notation -Prompt the user for a temperature. Real numbers are possible such as 68.5 or 39. -Prompt the user to ask if the temperature that was entered is F for Fahrenheit or C for Celsius. -If the user enters something other than F or C issue this message "Enter a F or a C" and end the program. -If the user entered F for Fahrenheit do the following to convert the temperature to Celsius: - if the entered Fahrenheit temperature is greater than 212 issue this error message: "Temp can not be >212" and do nothing more. - if temp is not greater do this calculation: Celsius =(5.0/9)*( USER ENTERED TEMP - 32) - output " The Celsius equivalent is:" and the calculated Celsius to the screen rounded to 1 decimal point. -If the user entered C for Celsius do the following to convert the temperature to Fahrenheit: -if the entered Celsius temperature is greater then 100 issue this error message: "Temp can not be > 100" and do nothing more. - if temp is not greater do this calculation: Fahrenheit = ((9.0 / 5.0)* USER ENTERED TEMP)+32. - output "The Fahrenheit equivalent is:" and the calculated Fahrenheit to the screen rounded to 1 decimal point. - Format with 1 decimal point

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Python Programming: Write one code to convert an inputted temp to fahrenheit
Reference No:- TGS03268192

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