Write on the negative aspects of setting goals:
Write in APA.
Should be double spaced.
Given is the research to use and now need to use my points to write a position. Do not need an introduction or conculion. JUST BODY Points
1. Neglect other vital work in an organization
When people focus on a specific stretch goal, and fail to perform other valued activities that are needed by the organization, goals are failing.
Staw, B. M., & Boettger, R. D. (1990). Task revision: A neglected form of work performance. Academy of Management Journal, 33(3), 534-559.
2. Unethical behaviour: theft, cheating, in order to meet set goals.
Studies have shown participants were more likely to misrepresent their performance level when they had a specific, challenging goal than when they did not, especially when their actual performance level fell just short of reaching the goal
Broken down to levels of unethical behaviour
1. choosing unethical methods to reach the goals.
example: mechanic lying and over billing a customer
2. misrepresent performance level
example: claiming reaching a sales target but never reaching it.
Schweitzer, M. E., Ordóñez, L., & Douma, B. (2004). Goal Setting as a Motivator of Unethical Behavior. Academy of Management Journal, 47(3), 422-43
3. Can we set the right goals?
Point 1: By setting goals, managers may create a hedonic treadmill in which employees are motivated by external means (goals, rewards, etc.) and not by the intrinsic value of the job itself
Deci, E. L. (1971). Effects of externally mediated rewards on intrinsic motivation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 18(1), 105-115.
Point 2: goals can become problematic when applied to many different people. This has important implications, because employee perceptions of whether rewards fairly match effort and performance can be one of the best predictors of commitment and motivation
Wade, J. B., O'Reilly, C. A., & Pollock, T. G. (2006). Overpaid CEOs and Underpaid Managers: Fairness and Executive Compensation. Organization Science, 17(5), 527-544
Length : 2.5 pages.