
Write multi-criteria decision model for sustainable suplier

Assignment Problem:

You need to write a report on supplier selection based on sustainability issues (Report length- 3000 words excluding references). More specifically, as a procurement manager you need to select best suppliers from a number of suppliers based on their sustainability performance score. In order to solve the problem you need to search literature and company practices to identify the criteria and sub-criteria for supplier's sustainability evaluation. Based on the criteria and sub-criteria you need to develop a multi-criteria decision model for sustainable supplier selection. Once you decide the model you need to use hypothetical data to run the model according to the guided practice of the lecturer.

Report structure is below:

I) Introduction (1 page): Introduce the topic you are researching & its importance followed by the research objective and then the implications of the research. More specifically- Introduction section shall include what are you doing? Why (importance)? How (short methodology within 2-3 lines)? What are the contributions (to managers, literature)?

II) Literature Review (1.5-2 pages): Review the literature on the topic you are researching particularly, MCDM models for sustainable supplier selection. Review of journal articles is preferred. Please make sure that your literature review reflects the understanding of business concepts for the purpose of applying them and the application of theoretical concepts underpinning SSCM practice. More specifically you need to write about the topic of your interest and relevant concepts based on previous studies. You need to mention what previous studies have investigated? What have not focused by the previous studies? What could be done? How your study addresses the gaps in the previous studies?

III) Method-(1-1.5 pages): It shall include how are you doing the study? How are you collecting data? how many decision maker you are interviewing? What is the scale that you are using in questions? Please make sure that your method reflects the development of feasible and effective solutions to address the complex issue(s).

IV) Case study Findings and Analysis (2-3 pages): At first tell about the company (1/2 page). Then critically analyze the result in the light of the literature and discuss the results. Please make sure that your analysis and discussion reflects the critical analysis of complex information and theoretical concepts underpinning SSCM practice. Also make that your analysis reflects the originality of potential solutions. (New techniques, knowledge, applications & management practice). Further, your analysis shall reflect justification for innovative ideas and processes. You need to present all the tables/ figures showing the findings of your study. You also discuss the result and compare your findings with the literature.

V) Conclusion (1/2 page): Write a brief conclusion of your study. Mainly summarize your finding then state the implications of the study mainly the managerial implications. Also please make sure that your conclusion reflects consideration of SSCM practice in the broader environmental context.

VI) References: At least 10 academic references shall be used. Journal references will be considered as academic reference. Follow Harvard referencing style.

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Other Management: Write multi-criteria decision model for sustainable suplier
Reference No:- TGS03026336

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