
Write motivational interviewing to address moms hesitancy

Assignment task:

You are working in a family practice clinic and are seeing a family today: Mom is a 45-year-old with hypertension, smokes 1/2PPD, otherwise healthy 13-year-old male - healthy with no medical conditions 10-year-old female - history of mild intermittent asthma 3-month-old female - healthy They also live with Grandma, who is 79 years old with diabetes and COPD. You are counseling them on their needed health maintenance and have recommended flu vaccines for mom and the older children. The 13-year-old male is due for Tdap and Meningitis vaccines, and mom reports that she did not receive Tdap during pregnancy. Mom is verbalizing hesitation to get these vaccines today. Please write a 3-5-page paper that addresses the following questions: What risk factors can you identify for each person in this family unit regarding the need for these vaccinations? What other information would you need to gather regarding this vaccine need and hesitancy? How will you use motivational interviewing to address mom's hesitancy and concerns? Be specific. Mom also expresses interest in quitting smoking, as she sees how much Grandma's life is impacted by?

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Other Subject: Write motivational interviewing to address moms hesitancy
Reference No:- TGS03422918

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