
Write minimum 2-3 pages book review on real-life monsters a

Question: Write minimum 2-3 pages book review on Real-life Monsters: A Psychological Examination of the Serial Murderer (Book by Stephen J. Giannangelo).

Guidelines: SUMMARY: Summary consists of a discussion of major themes, ideas, and stories providing at least 3 examples from the work. It combines ideas from the book into new sentences using your own words.

OPINION: Student provides a detailed discussion Of their opinion of the book. Reasoning is examined in detail and the student provides a thoughtful analysis leading to their conclusions.

CRITIQUE: Critique consists of thoughts, responses and reaction to the book. The student reviewer reacts to the themes, the author's aims or intent, the subject of the book, how well it is written and overall success or failure of the book.

ORGANIZATION: Structure of the paper flows and iseasily read because of smooth transitions from paragraph to paragraph. The sequence of topics is in logical order. There is a clear cut introduction, body, and conclusion.

MECHANICS: Uses complete sentences and a variety of sentence types. Correct spelling and formatting.

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Dissertation: Write minimum 2-3 pages book review on real-life monsters a
Reference No:- TGS02716751

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