Write long paragraph about what does this qoute mean to you?
"My highest experience, ", was the experience of Advaita, or Oneness, or Enlightenment in 1949. It was mid-winter, when I visited Vasishta Cave. I reached a large room-like place with a seat. As I sat there and meditated, I had the experience of transcending my body and mind, realizing myself as the Omnipresent. I forgot my individuality. It is impossible to explain exactly what this is. I must have spent several hours in that state. Then I heard a humming sound, OM chanting, coming from a long distance away. Slowly, slowly, it became louder. As it neared, I became aware again of my mind and body. I went out of the cave. I couldn't see anything in the normal way. All over I saw light, light, light. The whole world appeared to be a mass of light. There was only peace and peace everywhere. After that, I had this experience very often.