Assignment task:
A guidance document based on the following scenario:
You are a psychologist working in a hospital team that cares for elderly patients who have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. The team has been together for a few years, and decisions on care plans are always taken by the whole team. Hospital management wants to ensure the group's decision-making process is effective.
What guidance would you give them?
1. It should identify three or four key recommendations for hospital management.
2. Evaluate and produce evidence to support those recommendations, drawing on psychological research and psychological group theories covered in Block 1 of the module. Evaluate as well as describe relevant research and theory.
3. Construct arguments drawing on appropriate psychological concepts, theories, and evidence.
4. Use evidence based reasoning and apply it to practical, theoretical, and ethical issues in psychology.
5. Ensure the group's decision making process is effective. Consider relevant theories on how to achieve this objective when developing your advice.
You are not expected to know anything about Parkinson's disease and should focus on psychological research on group decision making.