Write incident report of security guard

Assignment task:

Please write incident report of security guard.

Situation written below

On 19 December 2019, at 1100hrs, In North York in City Park i worked as security guard. There was one men who played game related to deck game (cards ).

Everyone was watching the game of men. At that time one men stolen the wallet of McGee and gave to another suspect.

You have to write report according to given below things.

Here are some suggestions to assist you in improving your report writing skills. When submitting a security incident report, it should be written using complete sentences. Once a complete thought is expressed, the sentence should be ended with a period.  The report should also include the following information as follows:  Introduction - This is where you, the Security Professional (SP), tell the reader what duties you were performing, prior to responding to the incident. It should include the date, time, and location.  Body of Report - In this portion, you should answer the following questions:  WHO? -  Who was involved in the occurrence? This should include a complete descriptions of the individuals involved.  WHAT? - What happened?  WHEN? - When did the incident occur?  WHERE? - Where did the incident occur?  WHY? - If known, detail the reason for the occurrence.  HOW? - How did the incident occur?  Conclusion - As an SP, it is important that you document what actions you took to respond to the incident. In this case, calling Police to attend the scene for further investigation, as well as advising both Dispatch and your immediate Supervisor would be appropriate.

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Reference No:- TGS03382402

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