
Write in the appropriate name for the hormone what was the


1. Write in the appropriate name for the hormone(s) representing the reproductive biology axis below.


2. What organ or cell represents the reproductive biology term below?


3. MATCHING. Female reproductive cycles. Match the following terms with their description.

A. Menstrual cycle
B. Follicular phase
C. Luteal phase
D. Ovulation
E. Estrus
F. Proestrus

_____ Maturation of a primordial follicle to form an oocyte/egg
_____ Monthly series of events associated with maturation of an egg
_____ Includes a "surge" of hormones from all 3 levels of the HPG axis
_____ The result of a "surge" of hormones from all 3 levels of the HPG axis
_____ Phase during which a female is primed to be sexually responsive
_____ Characterized by increased progesterone levels

4. MATCHING. Female reproductive anatomy. Match the following terms with their description.

A. Ovary
B. Fallopian Tube
C. Uterus
D. Cervix
E. Endometrium
F. Myometrium

_____ Dilation of this is measured to determine the readiness for parturition
_____ Site of implantation of developing embryo
_____ Lining is shed during menses phase of menstrual cycle
_____ Site of fertilization
_____ Stimulated by oxytocin or the drug pitocin to produce uterine contractions
_____ Site of follicles

5. Which of the following is NOT a result of rising testosterone levels?

A. Appearance of pubic, axillary and facial hair
B. Deepening of the voice
C. Luteal phase
D. Bone growth
E. Muscle growth

6. During fertilization, sperm initially binds to the __.

A. zona pelllucida
B. acrosome
C. corona radiata
D. female haplotype

7. Which of the following genotypes would result in a normal human male?

A. 46XX
B. 46XY
C. 23X
D. 23Y

8. Which of the following could result in a baby being born with female genitalia and sexual characteristics despite having a male genotype?

A. a mutation of the SRY gene
B. a genetic mutation resulting in congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
C. a 47XXY genotype
D. a genetic mutation in an autosomal chromosome
E. the fetus being exposed to androgens while in the mother's womb

9. Which of the following could result in a baby being born with male genitalia and sexual characteristics despite having a female genotype?

A. a mutation of the SRY gene
B. a genetic mutation resulting in congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
C. a 47XXY genotype
D. a genetic mutation in an autosomal chromosome
E. the fetus being exposed to androgens while in the mother's womb

10. Which chromosome is responsible for determining the sex of a human embryo?

11. One of the problems with early pregnancy tests (such as EPT) is the risk of a false negative result if the test is performed during the very early or very late stages of pregnancy. Why are these tests considered to be accurate only between 2-8 weeks after fertilization?

12. In the article "Regulation of ovulation by human pheromones" (Stern K and McClintock MK, 1998, Nature 392:177-179), Fig 3 shows the effect of human pheromones on the length of each of the three phases of the menstrual cycle.

A. Pheromones from donors of which phaseof the cycle were demonstrated to change menstrual cycle length in recipients?

B. During which phase of the menstrual cycle were recipients receptive to human pheromones?

C. What was the observation that the authors state first suggested the existence of human pheromones?

Article- Regulation of ovulation by human pheromones by Kathleen Stern & Martha K. McClintock.

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Biology: Write in the appropriate name for the hormone what was the
Reference No:- TGS02531056

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