
Write in question 1 and 2 you will discuss formal and


Reflect: As you have read this week, there are various methods of digital communication. Some forms of communication are formal, and others are informal. Some types of communication can even violate your privacy, compromising your security. It is important to know what types of communication to use, and when, in order to enhance credibility, success, and privacy.

Write: In question 1 and 2, you will discuss formal and informal communication and give an example of how you use each of the styles of communication. Below question 1 and 2, there are three scenarios. For the first two scenarios you will indicate where the errors are within the content, why they are inappropriate, and how to correct the communication so that it is appropriate. In the final, and third scenario, you will identify which type of communication would be most effective to use and give your rationale.

After reading Module 5 in your primary text and completing the "Express Yourself: What NOT to Do in the Digital Environment" activity, download and complete the "Express Yourself: What NOT to Do in the Digital Environment" worksheet.


Express Yourself: What NOT to Do in the Digital Environment Worksheet

Student Name:

Purpose:Use this worksheet to identify and explain styles in which we communicate.

Prepare:Read module five in your textbook, andcomplete the "Express Yourself: What NOT to Do in the Digital Environment"activity.

Write: In question 1 and 2, you will discuss formal and informal communication and give an example of how you use each of the styles of communication. Below question 1 and 2, there are three scenarios. For the first two scenarios you will indicate where the errors are within the content, why they are inappropriate, and how to correct the communication so that it is appropriate. In the final, and third scenario, you will identify which type of communication would be most effective to use and share your rationale.

Different types of communication have been addressed. The way you talk or write to a friend or family member will often be much different from how you write or talk to your instructor or employer. Effective communication is powerful and can lead to opportunities and stepping stones to success. Reflect on the some of the similarities and differences between informal and formal communication and then start by answering questions 1 and 2 below.

1. In your own words (at least 3-4 sentences), defineformal and informal language.

2. Now, share an example (at least 4-5 sentences), personal, professional, or academic that highlights eachof the styles of communication.

A. Write about a time that you used informal communication and explain why that was appropriate. Use complete sentences to write one paragraph.

B. Write about a time that you used formal communication and explain why that was appropriate. Use complete sentences to write one paragraph.

Scenario One:

Michael, a student at Ashford University, has just completed his weekly Discussion Question for Week 2 and posted it to his course room. Below are the Discussion Question directions indicated by his instructor and his responses to the questions. You are tolist 3 errors in Michael's response, explain why they are inappropriate, and identify how to correct the communication so that it is appropriate.

Discussion Question from Michael's Instructor: Hi Class! This week's Discussion Question is on Mindset. Please answer the following questions in at least 250 words.

In your own words, define the terms fixed mindset and growth mindset.Describe a situation where you had a fixed mindset. What thoughts did you have or comments did you make to reflect a fixed mindset?How could you have changed your thoughts to reflect this idea of a growth mindset?Explain how having a growth mindset will help you persevere to graduation.

Michael's Response posted:

Mindset is believing that you are "intelligent" or "unintelligent.where I had a fixed mindset was I applied for a job. i didnt even want to do that job anyway and such. I was told to fill out about 6 pages out to get the job and i was thinking it was probably too hard. what i could have done different WAS PROVE TO MYSELF I COULD DO IT. having a growth mindset will help you trail on to graduation. simple my grades will show to all the nay Sayers, that call me stupid, and airy, and other things . ILL HAVE MY DEGREE ON MY WALL& Ill wonder if they did anything with there life- LOL!!!!!!!

(Michael's Word count 121)

A. Identify at least 3 of the errors that you see in Michael's response. Explain why these are errors are inappropriate and what you would do to correct the communication (at least 5-6 sentences).

Scenario Two: Thomas, a student at Ashford University just received his grade back from his Instructor Dr. Cynthia Morrison on his week two assignment. To his surprise, he received a 0 on an assignment he worked four hours on and turned in early. He was sure he did well on this assignment. When he read the instructor's comments he noticed that she stated he had submitted a blank document and she was unable to grade his work. When Thomas checked his assignment portal, he realized he did upload the wrong document and the one the instructor received was blank. Thomas is aware that it is well past the initial due date of the assignment but still wants credit for his hard work. Thomas is upset with himself about this oversight and immediately emails his instructor. Please read the email below from Thomas to his instructor and then list three errors you noticed, explain why they are inappropriate and identify how to correct the communication so that it is appropriate.

Thomas' Email:

Cynthia grade my new assignment i uploaded in portal. I MADE A MISTAKE AND UPLOADED THE WORNG 1. FORGIVE ME IDONT WANT. Points off because I need this class or else I will be dropped. Give me full credit you can check the portal I submitted on time just wrong doc im sorry.

A. Identify at least 3 of the errors that you see in Thomas's response. Explain why these are errors are inappropriate and what you would do to correct the communication (at least 5-6 sentences).

Scenario 3

Jennifer is a supervisor at the local supermarket. Unfortunately, she has to terminate Stacy. Reflecting on module 5 and various forms of communication, how should Jennifer go about having the conversation regarding termination with Stacy? Explain your rationale (at least 5-6 sentences).

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