
Write final solution for as the piecewise defined function

Find current in the single-loop RLC circuit when L=0.1 H, R = 2ohm, C = 0.1f, i(0) = 0, and impressed voltage is provided by:

E(t) = 120t - 120t[u(t-1)]

i) using Laplace transform technique. Illustrate all steps clearly including partial fractions expansion.

ii) Write final solution for i9t0 as the piecewise defined function (i.e function is defined in more than one interval of time 't')

iii) Using MATLAB, plot i(t) in complete interval by combining piecewise solutions (to get the continuous plot), suppose maximum value of 't' to be 3s.

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Mathematics: Write final solution for as the piecewise defined function
Reference No:- TGS0865549

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