
Write extinction events in the long history of life on earth

Assignment Task:

There have been at least five extinction events in the long history of life on Earth, due to climate change and asteroid impact, and another more recent one, caused by humans, looms. Scientists have suggested that emerging genetic technology could "resurrect" some recently lost species (not dinosaurs, as in Jurassic Park, which is not possible due to DNA degradation) to ecosystems where they had an important role in the food web. What do you think about bringing some species back from the past and what role could they play in today's world in both ecological and evolutionary contexts? What might we learn from the "de-extinction" of these lost species? For inspiration, please see the video below. I strongly encourage you to conduct further research on this topic from reputable sources to help craft a quality post and reply. Need Online Tutoring?

Video Resource: "Resurrecting Extinct Animals" (Segment 10, 5:08m)


Java Films (Producer). (2022). Resurrecting Extinct Animals (Segment 10 of 11) [Video]. In Rewild. Films on Demand.

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Other Subject: Write extinction events in the long history of life on earth
Reference No:- TGS03445730

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