
Write examples of workplace behaviours

Assignment Problem 1: Provide answers to all of the questions below:

Question 1: Give examples of two positive workplace behaviours that should be used by managers to assist in achieving business performance.

Question 2: Give examples of two workplace behaviours that should be avoided by managers.

Question 3: Explain why a positive workplace culture is more likely to assist in achieving desired business performance than a negative workplace culture.

Question 4: Explain how knowledge of other cultures can assist in developing effective workplace relationships and give an example to support your answer.

Question 5: Explain how a manager can build the trust and confidence of their team.

Question 6: Explain how knowledge of interpersonal styles can assist in building positive workplace relationships. Give an example to illustrate your answer.

Question 7: Discuss five benefits of networking in relation to building positive workplace relationships.

Question 8: Explain two techniques that can be used to promote diversity in the workplace.

Question 9: Identify legislation relevant to your state or territory that ensures that bullying does not occur in the workplace and explain the negative impact of bullying on workplace relationships.

Question 10: Identify and explain an example of a workplace policy and procedure that can assist in creating effective workplace relations.

Question 11: Explain how a workplace Code of Conduct can assist in promoting positive workplace relationships. Give an example to illustrate your answer.

Question 12: Describe five methods of communicating information to a team.

Question 13: Describe the advantages of face-to-face communication.

Question 14: Describe three effective communication techniques.

Question 15: Outline the key steps that should be followed to identify and resolve workplace problems.

Question 16: Explain three methods of resolving conflict at work.

Question 17: Explain two methods that can be used to manage poor work performance.

Question 18: Explain two methods of monitoring work performance and how to analyze and improve work relationships based on the information from the monitoring.

Assignment Problem 2: Effective workplace relationships project

Complete the following activities:

1. Organize meeting:

The first part of this assessment requires you to review the scenario information above and conduct research using the Internet. Find ways that customer service can be improved and what best practice customer service is.

You should also research opportunities for professional development in customer service, such as formal training courses or workshops. Identify at least one training opportunity that falls within the allocated budget and present for discussion at the meeting.

Use the above information to provide an analysis of customer service issues relevant to the staff in the case study, as well as possible improvements that could be made.

Then prepare an agenda for the team meeting. As a minimum, this should address your analysis of the complaints, your ideas for improvement and an opportunity for the team to contribute ideas, as well as a discussion on training needs.

Your assessor will provide you with a template for the agenda and advise you of the date and time the meeting should be held so that you can include this information in your agenda. The meeting will need to be at least 30 minutes duration.

When you have developed your agenda, email it to the team members involved in the team meeting. Your assessor will advise you of who is included in your team and their email addresses. Your assessor will be one of the team members. Your agenda needs to be provided at least three (3) days prior to your allocated meeting time. You will be assessed on this.

The staff that you will be required to present to is a diverse group of individuals with varying levels of language and literacy skills. You will need to consider as part of your meeting preparation how you will ensure that the information you provide is presented to facilitate maximum understanding and participation of all team members. You will also need to consider techniques you can use to build trust and confidence within your team. Your assessor will assess you demonstrating your ability to communicate to a diverse audience, as well as build trust and confidence during the meeting you conduct with staff.

2. Conduct meeting:

The next part of this assessment requires you conduct the meeting based on the agenda that you have prepared.


Your assessor will observe you conducting the meeting. As well as addressing the meeting content as outlined below, you will also need to demonstrate throughout the meeting your ability to communicate with diverse groups, as well as to build trust and confidence with your team. To do this, you will need to use the techniques you identified in the first part of this assessment including, as a minimum, clearly presenting information; asking questions to confirm the team's understanding and encouraging feedback, especially with regard to customer service needs training needs; as well as being receptive to new ideas and respecting the views of others.

As per the agenda, as a minimum you should ensure that the meeting addresses as a minimum:

  • A discussion of the main themes of the complaints.
  • A discussion of ideas for customer service improvement, to inform your ideas about customer service conduct research on features of excellent customer service.
  • An opportunity for staff to contribute feedback on how customer service can be improved.
  • Discussion of training needs associated with customer service, as well as opportunities for training identified.

3. Prepare meeting report:

This part of the assessment requires you to follow company procedures with regard to reporting on meetings and develop a brief report (three to four paragraphs) of the outcomes of the meeting held, as well as your recommendations for action. This report will be in the form of an email to your manager (the assessor) and to be sent no later than 3 days after the meeting.

Your email to your manager (the assessor) should discuss the ideas that you believe would be most effective for improving customer service.

4. Provide feedback to the team:

The final part of this assessment requires you update your team on the outcomes of the meeting. Assume that your manager has given the go-ahead for all of your ideas. Write a short email to the team advising them of the improvements that will be implemented, including the training they will need to participate in.

Assignment Problem 3: Managing workplace difficulties project

Answer the following questions in relation to the case study. Each of your answers should be between 50 and 100 words. You should provide your answers in a word document attached to an email and submit it by the date specified by your assessor.

1. Discuss the conflict resolution process that you would use to resolve the workplace situation.

2. Discuss the range of actions that could be taken to resolve the workplace situation.

3. Discuss the action/s you think would work best to resolve the situation.

4. Discuss how you will monitor this situation to ensure the problem is not recurring.

Part B Meeting Instructions:

This part of the assessment task requires you to prepare for and participate in a meeting based on the scenario information provided, as well as the information below.

Your assessor will play Yuko's role and will also give you some further information that you were unaware of and you will be expected to respond accordingly. This is to assess your ability to respond to unexpected events.

1. Prepare for the meeting

Send an email to your assessor (as though they were Yuko) advising her of the problem and requesting her to attend a meeting with you (this will be a date and time advised by your assessor). Your email must be written in clear and concise English.

Review the FairWork guides identified and prepare for the meeting by developing a short conversation plan as per the guidelines in the Managing Difficult Conversations Guide.

2. Conduct the meeting with Yuko (with your assessor playing the role of Yuko).

At the meeting you must:

  • Explain to Yuko what the problem is
  • How it impacts on the workplace/why it is a concern?
  • Demonstrate your interpersonal skills and ability to develop trust and confidence by:

o Listening to Yuko and confirming and clarifying information shared

o Asking questions to confirm information

o Emphasizing Yuko's strengths as per the scenario information

o Showing respect and empathy for Yuko

  • Respond appropriately to unexpected information provided to you at the meeting
  • Discuss and agree on a solution

3. Send a follow up email to Yuko within 1 day of the meeting summarizing the meeting and the solution agreed to.

Assessment Task 4: Networking project

Complete the following activities:

4. Identify a network

Research a network that might be relevant to a Manager. This could be a general association for managers, an association specific to an area of management (e.g. School Business Managers) or a local business network. It could also be a network that can be accessed through social media.

Review the events/activities offered by the network and select one that you will be able to participate in, for example, a webinar or watching a video or attending a free networking event.

5. Report on network

Assume that you have joined the network that you have identified above and that you are providing a brief report to your manager (this will be your assessor) about the network you have joined and the benefits it offers.

Your email should address:

  • Details of the network you have identified - name and contact details including address, phone number, email and web site.
  • Services offered by the network.
  • Costs involved in joining the network (if any)
  • Personal and professional benefits of joining the network - list at least three personal benefits and three professional benefits
  • How you will keep your work team informed of up to date information you gain through the network.
  • Upcoming network activity identified.

6. Participate in network opportunity

This assessment task requires you to participate in, and report on the network activity that you identified previously.

When you have participated in the networking activity, you will need to complete the Networking Report Template provided to you by your assessor. You will need to complete all sections of the report. You should answer each question in around a paragraph.

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Tags: Workplace Behaviours Assignment Help, Workplace Behaviours Homework Help, Workplace Behaviours Coursework, Workplace Behaviours Solved Assignments, Workplace Culture Assignment Help, Workplace Culture Homework Help, Workplace Culture Coursework, Workplace Code of Conduct Assignment Help, Workplace Code of Conduct Homework Help, Effective Workplace Relationships Assignment Help, Effective Workplace Relationships Homework Help, Effective Workplace Relationships Coursework

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HR Management: Write examples of workplace behaviours
Reference No:- TGS03026726

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