Assignment Task:
When asked if they identify as feminists or not, baccalaureate social work students responded with a diversity of views. Most would clearly say that they are feminists because they believe in gender equality and rights, and support their claims with examples. Others, especially persons of color (POCs), are hesitant to identify as feminist because of lingering associations of feminism with white feminism.
To address these concerns and to promote a type of feminism that is inclusive and that reflects interlocking or intersecting forms of oppression as well as intersecting forms of struggle, it's important to consider the notion of intersectional feminism. Kirk and Okazawa-Rey (2013, 2020) define intersectional feminism as a philosophy of liberation from gender oppression and gender-based discrimination informed by an awareness of the inter-relatedness of different systems of oppression.
What do you think would be some examples of intersectional feminism? How can this be better promoted to challenge more mainstream forms of feminism?