Problem: An example of experimental research design would be any study that uses that the scientific method. The scientific method has an observation period. The observation period will lead the scientist to start to ask crucial questions about what is being observed. Now a testable explanation/ hypothesis can start to be formed. Predications can now be made from the hypothesis and then these predictions can be tested (The scientific method n.d.). Experimental research is a type of equivalent exploration in to which two or more changeable items in the study and then are watched in a group or collection in a certain type of conditions or an opposite type of conditions (Experimental research: Definition, types, and examples - indeed, 2023).
A great of example of an experimental research would be testing a new medication. This experiment will control the variables that are being researched. Some of the participants will receive a placebo pill and others will receive the actual medication that is being researched. The participants will have to record their symptoms while on the medication. Participants will not know if they are receiving the placebo or the medication being researched so the symptoms being recorded will be part of the hypothesis.
Nonexperimental research design focuses on a single variable of research and is more qualitative. An example of nonexperimental research design would be examining similar case studies related to a similar topic and extrapolation a hypothesis from the collection of studies. This type of research has a lack of independent variables to manipulate (Price et al, 2017). An example of nonexperimental research design would be a researcher going into the desert to observe a wildflower bloom in the spring from one year to the other and observing the differences from year to year based on the snow fall accumulation.
The levels of control applied to nonexperimental research versus experimental research are very different in degree. Nonexperimental research has very little to no control over any of the variable versus experimental research can manipulate all, one or some of the variables.