
Write essay about psychological impact of social media


Write a five pages essay about Psychological and Physiological Impact of Social Media.

Attention material: How will you gain your audience's interest in this topic?


Introduction of topic: Social Media has become a part of our everyday lives, but what impact does it have on you truly.

Thesis statement:

The popularity of social media has created a society based on unrealistic expectations which cause self-harm to an individual's mental health, physical appearance, and personal interactions.

Organizational Preview: A sentence that captures the various elements presented in the paper in the order they appear.


I. First main point- Social media on mental health

A. Another time point, a different story: one year effects of a social media intervention on the attitudes of young people towards mental health issues

Livingston, James D ;Cianfrone, Michelle ; Korf-Uzan, Kimberley ; Coniglio, Connie.
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, June 2014, Vol.49(6), pp.985-90.

B. Parental Control of the Time Preadolescents Spend on Social Media: Links with Preadolescents' Social Media Appearance Comparisons and Mental Health.

Fardouly, Jasmine ;Magson, Natasha R ; Johnco, Carly J ; Oar, Ella L ; Rapee, Ronald M

Journal of youth and adolescence, July 2018, Vol.47(7), pp.1456-1468

II. Second main point -Social media on physical appearance.

A. Broadening the Scope of Social Media Effect Research on Body Image Concerns

Prieler, Michael ; Choi, Jounghwa

Sex Roles, Dec 2014, Vol.71(11-12), pp.378-388

B. Act 2: Extending Theory on Social Media and Body Image Concerns.(Report)(Author abstract)

Perloff, Richard M.

Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 2014, Vol.71(11-12), p.414(5)

Body Paragraph III

III. Third main point- Social media on social interactions

A. How patients' use of social media impacts their interactions with healthcare professionals
Benetoli, A. ; Chen, T.F. ; Aslani, P.


Consequences of cyberbullying behaviour in working life

Muhonen, Tuija ;Jönsson, Sandra ; Bäckström, Martin

International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 2017, Vol.10(5), pp.376-390


Restate thesis

The popularity of social media has created a society based on unrealistic expectations which cause self-harm to an individual's mental health, physical appearance, and personal interactions.

Restate topic sentences:Social Media has become a part of our everyday lives, but what impact does it have on you truly.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also Include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Other Subject: Write essay about psychological impact of social media
Reference No:- TGS02966458

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