
Write ehrenfests theorem for the mean values of the

Question 1. In a one-dimensional problem, consider a particle whose wave function is:

ψ(x) = N(eipox/h)/√(x2 + a2)

where a and Po are real constants and N is a normalization coefficient.

a. Determine N so that ψ(x) is normalized.

b. The position of the particle is measured. What is the probability of finding a result between -a/√3 and +a/√3 ?

c. Calculate the mean value of the momentum of a particle which has ψ(x) for its wave function.

Question 2. Consider, in a one-dimensional problem, a particle of mass m whose wave function at time t is ψ/(x, t).

a. At time 1, the distance d of this particle from the origin is measured. Write, as a function of ψ(x, t), the probability p(do ) of finding a result greater than a given length do. What are the limits of P(do) when do → 0 and do → ∞?

b. Instead of performing the measurement of question a, one measures the velocity v of the particle at time t. Express, as a function of ψ(x, t), the probability of finding a result greater than a given value vo.

Question 3. The wave function of a free particle, in a one-dimensional problem, is given at time t = 0 by:

ψ(x, 0) - N -∞+∞dk e-|k|koeikx

where ko and N are constants.

a. What is the probability p(p1, 0) that a measurement of the momentum, performed at time t = 0, will yield a result included between - p1 and + p1? Sketch the function p(p1, 0).

b. What happens to this probability p(p1, t) if the measurement is performed at time t? Interpret.

c. What is the form of the wave packet at time t = 0? Calculate for this time the product ΔX.ΔP; what is your conclusion? Describe qualitatively the subsequent evolution of the wave packet.

Question 4. Spreading of a free wave packet

Consider a free particle.

a. Show, applying Ehrenfest's theorem, that < X > is a linear function of time, the mean value < P > remaining constant.

b. Write the equations of motion for the mean values < X2 > and (XP + PX>. Integrate these equations.

c. Show that, with a suitable choice of the time origin, the root-mean¬square deviation ΔX is given by:

(ΔX)2 = 1/m2 (ΔP)02t2 + (ΔX)02

where (ΔX)o and (ΔP)o are the root-mean-square deviations at the initial time. How does the width of the wave packet vary as a function of time (see 3-c of complement G1)? Give a physical interpretation.

Question 5. Particle subject to a constant force

In a one-dimensional problem, consider a particle of potential energy V(X) = - fX, where f is a positive constant [V(X) arises, for example, from a gravity field or a uniform electric field].

a. Write Ehrenfest's theorem for the mean values of the position X and the momentum P of the particle. Integrate these equations; compare with the classical motion.

b. Show that the root-mean-square deviation ΔP does not vary over time.

c. Write the Schrodinger equation in the { |p> } representation. Deduce from it a relation between ∂/∂t|< p|ψ(t)>|2 and ∂/∂t|< p|ψ(t)>|2. Integrate the equation thus obtained; give a physical interpretation.

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Physics: Write ehrenfests theorem for the mean values of the
Reference No:- TGS01472919

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