
Write down the game in matrix form which strategies survive

Discrete All-Pay Auction: In Section 6.1.4 we introduced a version of an allpay auction that worked as follows: Each bidder submits a bid. The highest bidder gets the good, but all bidders pay their bids. Consider an auction in which player 1 values the item at 3 while player 2 values the item at 5. Each player can bid either 0, 1, or 2. If player i bids more than player j then i wins the good and both pay. If both players bid the same amount then a coin is tossed to determine who gets the good, but again both pay.

a. Write down the game in matrix form. Which strategies survive IESDS?

b. Find the Nash equilibria for this game.

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Management Theories: Write down the game in matrix form which strategies survive
Reference No:- TGS01650487

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