
Write down a list of your top strengths

Assignment Problem:

What are your greatest strengths?

Embrace this question as an opportunity to talk about your best qualities. It can help to plan and practice your answer to this question -- especially if you are naturally modest or shy. Most of your competitors will not hesitate to brag about themselves. However, if you plan thoughtfully, your response can be much more eloquent and effective than the typical braggart's.

To prepare your answer, write down a list of your top strengths and decide which 3 are most relevant for the position at hand. Review our competencies list for example strengths that relate to most jobs.

Avoid choosing generic strengths that anyone can claim. Don't wimp out with general statements that you're a "hard worker" or "people person." Be specific and prepare an example to demonstrate each strength.

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Other Management: Write down a list of your top strengths
Reference No:- TGS03241280

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