
Write details of nutrition management & diet plan

Assignment Task: In this DM topic case study preparation 50 yrs old man who's weight is 89kg, height is 172 cm. Has undergone angioplasty 2 months ago he is on tablet networking 500 bd. Prepare meal menu for 24hrs on Indian diet of Maharashtra in along with food exchange list as per requirements.

a. Observe the activities carried out by dietitian/nutritionist routinely.

b. Observe the dietitian/nutritionist while counseling patient.

c. Record three case studies for nutritional assessment, diet plan & counseling and get it vetted by dietitian/nutritionist.

For continuous evaluation, learners are required to prepare a summary/synopsis of those three case studies recorded.

As a part of term, end submission for case study, learners are required to write details of nutrition management & diet plan with counseling tips of all the three cases studies recorded as per the format given in students learning management systems-Eportfolio.

Learner can choose any three cases from the following suggested group of condition/ disease/ life cycle phase for overall nutritional assessment/ requirements:

Sr. no


Sub group



Infant, Toddlers, School going children, Adolescents



Pre term, Post-term, ANC counseling & lactation


General conditions

Gastric disorders, DM, Protein energy malnutrition, Weight-loss or gain etc.


Special conditions

Kidney stone Acute renal failure HIV, Food allergies etc



Athletes/ Sports person

: Students are encouraged to establish contact with local organizations (hospitals, wellness centers, healthcare set-ups well in advance, so that you can complete your training and record cases enabling you for timely submissions of synopsis and final report. As a part of continuous assessment, learners are required to submit brief summary/synopsis report of all three nutritional case studies covering following points:

a. Case description (one paragraph)

b. Problem for which nutritional consultation is required:

c. Altered nutrition related values of person.

Note - Need Synopsis 2 pages and report 3 pages.

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Other Subject: Write details of nutrition management & diet plan
Reference No:- TGS03053617

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