Build a library for the enumeration type MonthAbbrev of Exercise 3. It should contain the definition of the enumeration MonthAbbrev and some basic operations on this type including at least the following:
a. An output function that displays each enumerator as a string (rather than an integer)
b. An input function that allows the user to enter a string representing a month abbreviation and assigns the corresponding enumerator to a MonthAbbrev variable
c. A successor function that returns the enumerator that follows a specified enumerator; for example, the successor of MON is TUE.
Then write a driver program that tests all of your operations. Note: If you know about operator overloading, you might use operator for (a), operator for (b), and operator++O for (c).
Exercise 3:
Write a statement to assign the addresses of dl and d2 to the variables pI and p2, respectively, in Exercise 2, or explain why this is not possible.
Exercise 2:
Write declarations for variables pI and p2 whose values will be addresses of memory locations in which a double e can be stored.