Using the information below, write correct parenthetical citations/documentations for each example in the parentheses provided.
1.) "He spoke to us in German and then left us behind" ( ).
--from Donaldson's Bantering on Watergate, page 45
2.) "I never thought of myself as proud", says Jennings in his book Pushing the Limits of Political Journalism ( ).
--This source was located on page 107.
3.) "Politics is such an interesting field" ( ).
--From Charles Smith's book, page 451.
4.) "Enraged is how he felt after the episode" ( ).
--From Jason Xavier's book Somewhere in the Political Realm, page 233.
5.) In Political Guide to the United States, Yater explores the idea that the U.S. is changing politically ( ).
--From page 544 of this book.