
Write comment on marketing mix of jk premium herbal shampoo


Q.1. The shampoo market is valued at around SR 1 million. Sunsilk, Pantene, Dove and Garnier are some of the established brands in the market. Helene Curtis (JK Group) has introduced a premium herbal shampoo (with variants Shikakai, henna, Amla and brahmi) priced between SR 17 and SR 18 (500 ml) for different types of hair. The proposition is the benefits offered by the variant based on the combination of herbs. The benefits offered by the variants range from extra protection and nourishment to color, body and bounce. The shampoos have been launched under the brand name Premium Herbal Shampoos and they target a monthly household income of SR25, 000. The brand is distributed through 70,000 retail outlets and 120 shops. The company has planned only point of purchase (POP) posters initially and may consider the electronic media later. The shampoo has an annual advertising expenditure of SR. 10 million.


Comment on the marketing mix of JK's Premium Herbal Shampoos and give suggestions for making it more effective.

Q.2. Company ABC, the leader in the market for biscuits has been losing sales on one of its major brands over the past two years. The marketing department in the company claims that the sales people are not doing their job properly, since the biscuit market seems to be growing. The sales management team on the other hand accuses the marketing group of setting impossible targets, without taking into account the fact that no brand can keep growing at an increasing or even a constant rate for ever. Should a marketing research study be undertaken to provide the answer why? Compile a detailed list of other information that should be collected to prior to the research, if it is to be undertake at all.

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Marketing Management: Write comment on marketing mix of jk premium herbal shampoo
Reference No:- TGS02948452

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