
Write class called myset


Write class called mySet. Your class should have a single instance variable that is a list. Set elements will be stored in the list. Remember, sets do not allow duplicate elements. The initializer should allow a mySet object to be constructed from the following types of Python objects: list, str (individual characters are added to the set), tuple, dict (keys are added to the set). A mySet object can also be created from another mySet object. The following operations should be supported for a mySet object names set:

x in set
x not in set
set 1 == set 2
set 1 != set 2
issubset(otherSet) #set <= otherSet
set < otherSet #proper subset
issuperset(otherSet) #set >= otherSet
set > otherSet #proper subset
union(otherSet) #set | otherSet
intersection(other) #set & other
difference(otherSet) #set - otherSet
symmetric_difference(otherSet) #set ^ otherSet
update(otherSet) #set |= otherSet
intersection_update(other) #set &= other
difference_update(other) #set -= other
symmetric_difference_update(other) #set ^= other

pop() #Remove and return an arbitrary element from set. Raises KeyError if set is empty.

Write code in python please! Write class called mySet.

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Python Programming: Write class called myset
Reference No:- TGS03212938

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