
Write case study on fergeson family johnny fergeson

Assignment task: How do I write case study on this?

The Fergeson Family Johnny Fergeson is a 22-month-old boy who is a relatively easy child to get along with after his mother leaves him in the day-care home. He eats and sleeps well and plays contentedly with the toys. As soon as his mother appears on the scene, however, he runs rampant--jumping on furniture, touching things on tables-a behavior which has been prohibited, and so on. His behavior is so serious that the childcare provider doesn't feel she can continue to care for him unless his mother begins taking some responsibility for disciplining him. It is her impression that the mother never says "no" to him, and never corrects him. There is no question that Johnny is making life difficult for her, but she does nothing about it. Contact with the mother reveals that, because she feels so guilty about leaving Johnny (her relatives all disapprove of her working even though Johnny's father is in the service), she tries to make it up to him by keeping their time together free of restrictions and discipline. She wants it to be a happy, carefree period. Of course, it is not. Not only is Johnny's behavior at home upsetting, but he is also sleeping poorly and is chronically constipated.

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Other Subject: Write case study on fergeson family johnny fergeson
Reference No:- TGS03362150

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