Write brief responses to ten articles for each article

Write brief responses to ten articles. For each article describe 1-2 points made by the author that made a serious impression on your thinking about the topic.


Make the title of the article, including the source, the header above your brief response.
- Do not include quoted material or copy from the article.
- Briefly describe 1-2 key points that affected your thinking. Share your concerns about the issue.

1. "A Postpartum Penalty" Depression Diagnosis May Affect Rates for Life Insurance
By Ron Lieber, 2/27/16, New York Times

2. Some I.V.F. Experts Discourage Multiple Births"
Jane Brody, 10/11/16 , New York Times

3. Should young women sell their eggs?
Donna De La Cruz OCT. 20, 2016, New York Times

4. The Return of the D.I.Y. Abortion
Seth Stevens Davidowitz 3-6-16 , New York Times

5. American Home Birth is Dangerous
Amy Tuteur 5-1-16 , New York Times

6. One Nation Divisible/Rural America's Childbirth Crisis: The Fight To Save Whitney Brown
By Betsy McKay and Paul Overberg
The Wall Street Journal- 8-11-17

7. Why A Generation of Adoptees is Returning to South Korea
Maggie Jones
New York Times Magazine 1-18-15

8. The Dwindling Options for Surrogacy Abroad
Danielle Preiss and Pragati Shahi
The Atlantic, May 21, 2016

9. 10 Powerful women who have spoken about their own abortion

10. Why Does Open Adoption Rarely Work?
Kathryn Joyce, The New Republic, July 14, 2015

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Dissertation: Write brief responses to ten articles for each article
Reference No:- TGS02550768

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